FDFToolkit.net - PDF Compatibility Test Tool How to use this tester? To view the results at the top of this page, please select a fillable Adobe Acrobat form or a fillable LiveCycle Designer PDF form, then click the Test button. Step #1: Choose one of three ways to check the compatibility of the PDF form: 1) Set Submit Action: "http://www.nk-inc.com/software/fdftoolkit.net/pdftest.aspx?act=parse" 2) PDF form (URL): Supply the Absolute Url of the PDF 3) Directly upload your editable form or form data: Status: ready.Maximum individual file size limit is 10 megabytes.Maximum total file size limit is 10 megabytes.Files uploaded: none User Messages: Status: Complete this form, and then press the Test button. Step #2: Form actions: